For the best way to clean your Point of Sale card readers, look no further than our Card Reader Cleaning Cards! POS Supply Solutions carries cleaning cards and products for all POS machines including credit card chip readers, smart card readers, EMV chip card readers, magnetic stripe readers and more. Check out our selection of SMART Cleaning Cards, Waffletechnology Cleaning Cards, Credit/Debit Card Terminal Cleaning Cards, and Cleaning Kits. Choose from a variety of card designs and sizes, including flat cards or cards with Waffletechnology ridges, in the CR80 standard ID card size. They also come in a range of safe and effective cleaning agents including isopropyl alcohol (IPA) to sanitize and disinfect your POS equpiment. Using card reader cleaning products regularly will help reduce equipment downtime, save you money on costly service, lessen your manual entries, and keep your POS machines operating efficiently. Order today and get Free Shipping on orders over $49!